Photograph - Art

Part 4. Guide for better pictures from the photographer Surrey: Venue

Part 4: Guide for better pictures from the Photographer Surrey - Venue

After arriving make sure the photographer is with you before you enter the venue. You probably want to have the moment of Big Entrance in your photos. If the groom is going to carry the bride through the threshold, make sure that the photographer is already inside.

During the first dance, it is best to leave as much space for the bride and groom as possible. Ask guests not to crowd near you. You will feel more comfortable and your photographer will be able to catch intimate moments between you and the groom.

It is not enough to turn down the lights in the room to create a romantic mood for the first dance.

It is really worth spending some money on professional lighting if your venue does not have it.

When throwing the bouquet ask the bridesmaids to stand behind you. Sometimes they tend to form a circle and not all of them have equal chances to catch it.

During the cake cutting, please be close to each other, cuddle and smile. Look at each other, hold hands and show that you love each other.

photographer Surrey
photographer Surrey

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